The Yearbooks

From 1926 through 1952 West Hill High students produced a yearbook called The Annual. Highlighting the graduating class for each year, it also covered school life and events. Following the creation of Monklands High a new yearbook series was created to coincide with the first graduating class in 1958. Named The Banner it was published until the school's closing in 1979. There were no yearbooks published during the Westward School era. The copies in this collection have been generously provided to us by graduates of WHHS and MHS.
1931 Annual Cover Banner 1967 cover

Years available in pdf format in green boxes only).
WHHS Annual Status Yearbook Courtesy of:
MHS Banner Status Yearbook Courtesy of:
1919-1925 No yearbooks produced
1953-1957 No yearbooks produced
1926 & 1927 Not available
1958 1958 Banner Keith Clark, MHS '59
1928 Not available
1959 1959 Banner Keith Clark, MHS '59
1929 1929 Annual George & Dorothy(Strickland) Brown
1960 1960 Banner Peter Bolton, MHS '61
1930 1930 Annual George & Dorothy(Strickland) Brown 1961 1961 Banner Peter Bolton, MHS '61
1931 1931 Annual Joan (Skinner ) Hanna, WHHS '31 1962 1962 Banner Peter Bolton, MHS '61
1932 1932 Annual George & Dorothy(Strickland) Brown 1963 1963 Banner Peter Bolton, MHS '61
1933 No yearbook produced
1964 Not available
1934 1934 Annual George & Dorothy(Strickland) Brown 1965 Not available
1935 1935 Annual George & Dorothy(Strickland) Brown 1966 Not available
1936 1936 Annual Helen Stringer 1967 Not available
1937 1937 Annual George & Dorothy(Strickland) Brown 1968 Not available
1938 1938 Annual Dorothy J. Anderson 1969 1969 Banner Wes Cross MHS '71
1939 1939 Annual Dorothy J. Anderson 1970 1970 Banner Wes Cross MHS '71
1940 1940 Annual Pat Handrahan WHHS '41
1971 1971 Banner Wes Cross MHS '71
1941 1941 Annual Don MacQuisten, WHHS '45 1972 1972 Banner Marlene Friend MHS '72
1942 1942 Annual Don MacQuisten, WHHS '45 1973 1973 Banner Larry Maler MHS '73
1943 1943 Annual Bill Falconer, WHHS '44 1974 1974 Banner Howard Lee MHS '74
1944 1944 Annual Bill Falconer, WHHS '44 1975 Not available
1945 1945 Annual Don MacQuisten, WHHS '45 1976 Not available
1946 1946 Annual Pat (Marsh) Grafton, WHHS '46 1977 Not available
1947 1947 Annual
Mr & Mrs Robert Baird 1978 Not available
1948 1948 Annual Mr & Mrs Robert Baird 1979 Not available
1949 1949 Annual Bruce McLachlan WHHS '52

1950 1950Annual Bruce McLachlan WHHS '52

1951 1951 Annual Bruce McLachlan WHHS '52

1952 1952 Annual Bruce McLachlan WHHS '52